Important Disclosure Information

Delta Wealth Advisors is an SEC registered investment adviser. 台达财富顾问只能在其注册或有资格豁免或排除注册要求的州进行业务交易. 达美财富顾问的网站仅限于发布与其咨询2022世界杯下注有关的一般信息, together with access to additional investment-related information, articles written by third parties, firm written newsletters and/or publications, and third-party links. Accordingly, 任何消费者及/或潜在客户不应将本公司网站在互联网上的发布解释为本公司顾问的要求, or attempt to effect transactions in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, over the Internet. Any subsequent, 顾问与潜在客户的直接沟通应由在潜在客户所在州注册或有资格获得豁免或豁免注册的代表进行. 有关台达财富顾问注册状态的资料, 一份我们公司当前的书面披露声明,讨论我们的业务运作, services, 可在美国证券交易委员会的投资顾问公共信息网站上查询 by searching using our CRD No. 310504或根据书面要求通过电子邮件info@deltawealthadv向顾问咨询.com or mail 3755 E. 82nd Street, Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46240.

请记住,不同类型的投资涉及不同程度的风险, 并且不能保证任何特定投资或投资策略(包括顾问承担或推荐的投资或投资策略)的未来表现。, will be profitable or equal any historical performance level(s).

本网站及资料仅供参考及指引之用.  投资涉及风险,除非另有说明,否则不予保证.  在实施任何策略之前,一定要先咨询合格的财务顾问和/或税务专业人士.  本网站及其信息并非旨在提供投资、税务或法律建议.

在本网站中,我们提供了到第三方2022世界杯下注的各种其他网站和信息的链接. 虽然台达财富顾问认为这些信息对其客户来说是最新的、有价值的,而且相当可靠,不包含对重大事实的不实陈述, or misleading information. 本公司提供的这些链接和出版物仅作为信息依据,对其准确性概不负责, time sensitive nature, or viability of any information shown on these sites. Some content may be dated. 所有这些信息仅为方便起见而提供,所有用户应据此加以指导.

此处表达的意见是公司的意见,如有更改恕不另行通知. 所引用的意见以发布之日为准,可能会因市场或经济状况的变化而发生变化,并且不一定会实现. Any opinions, projections, 或在此表达的前瞻性陈述仅为作者的陈述, 可能与公司其他部门表达的观点或意见有所不同, and are only for general informational purposes as of the date indicated.

We have client case studies within our website. Case studies presented are based on actual clients, however, some of the information may have been changed or altered. These studies are provided for educational purposes only.  Similar, or even positive results, cannot be guaranteed. 每个客户都有自己独特的情况,所以产品和策略可能不适合所有人.  在实施本文讨论的任何策略之前,请咨询合格的专业人士.


Assurance, Tax, Consulting, 本网站所提及的会计2022世界杯下注均由台达财富注册会计师提供 & Advisors, LLC a separate entity from Delta Wealth Advisors, LLC. 

台达财富顾问有限责任公司和台达财富注册会计师和顾问有限责任公司是两个拥有共同所有权的独立法人实体, although separate, the entities do offer and market comprehensive services under one name, Delta Wealth Advisors